Two weeks into this blogging experience and I've discovered a dismaying truth: in order to have anything worthwhile to blog about, I'm going to have to leave the house. It is not enough to sit on my ass surfing teh intraweb while watching midnight Daily Show reruns, trolling for inspiration and eating Cheez Doodles.
See, I'm a broke-ass bitch right now, and with no car (or license with which to legally operate one) and no money, it requires a major logistical effort to go anywhere; in other words, I have to Ask My Wife. (Who I found out tonight reads this blog because she caught a spelling error.) So I'm pretty much stuck at home or at work.
I could write about Jon Stewart's performance at the Oscars, but that would mean actually giving half a damn, which I don't. I could write about the amusing adventures and adorable poses of our pets, but then I'd be just like every other Alabama blogger out there. Ditto for poorly-reasoned political screeds lifted from other blogs. Or I could try just plain creepy.
See? There it is again. Substituting links instead of actually writing scathing prose. And the purpose of this blog, the theme, if you will, the central pole from which the whole goddamn tent depends, is SPEWING VITRIOL. Which is exhausting, frankly. Y'all should thank me.
Rebel With a Clause.
4 hours ago
"This Blog Sucks, reflects lazy blog reader!"
just kidding.
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